【by Nobutaka Otobe, June 2022】 For this Japan-curated sub-issue, we focused on the topic of borders. After the cold war ended, many anticipated the advent of a borderless and globalized egalitarian wo …
[Japan topic 2022]
[Japan topic 2022]
Entering Japan in Exceptional Times: Reflections on Japan’s Entry Restrictions and Quarantine Procedures between March 2020 and May 2022 | Sara Park
【by Sara Park, June 2022】 Introduction Scholars have noted that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly slowed down globalization as strengthened border control was imposed …
【by Sachi Takaya, June 2022】 Approximately one year after the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic hit Japan, it was reported that more than 36,000 technical intern trainees remained displaced in Japan a …
[Japan topic 2022]
The Recent Situations around the Post-Truth: What’s Left after the Disappearance of the Boundary between Truth and Falsehood? | Kantaro Ohashi
【by Kantaro Ohashi, June 2022】 Two decades after the Millennium, people in modern society are now facing a new kind of problem regarding what is going on around us. In the traditional context of philo …